At midnight 21 December as she started to get the calls from loads of her friends we gave her the gifts .....a pair of brand new sneakers(which didn't fit her feet so we got it changed the next morning)......she had already bought a pair of cargoes and top ....then she had a slawar kameez ......then finally we cut the cake ate it all up just four of us and every one went to sleep ..I also slept but quite late eventually got up late at around 11:00 in the noon..
By evening I was just pondering over what to do when my friends called up and i went to play soccer as usual....

just as it was getting dark the visibility of the ball decreasing progressively a player of our team the legendary Vijay kicked the ball so hard that it flew above the goal keepers head and past behind him onto the busy road ...
Everyone shouted to look after the balls trajectory and to where it was heading and started retreating to the pavilion to get all their accessories as we had assumed that it was end of todays game .....
Everyone shouted but no one was keen at looking at the ball... only as usual me and the goal keeper Vamsi were seeing where it went ....
By the time i tracked the ball it was rolling down the road and a biker was heading straight towards it at quite some speed ........My heart skipped a beat over there ........As i had expected the Bike went over the ball or something occurred over there i don't know the exact physical phenomenon that occurred but i saw the biker skidding along the ground and making up quite a distance on the road .....
At that moment i realized that something bad had happened and ran to my friends to tell them what had happened but for an instance nothing struck my mind ...I Found my sandals and wore them got my accessories and asked my friends to vacate the place as soon as possible they didn't get my words properly by that time Vamsi came and cleared others doubts ....We didn't know what to do ....everyone where in a shock unable to realize the situation that was presented to them and how to tackle it .So we finally thought of escaping by some means....But at the back of my mind i knew that it was to late and we should help the person as we were heading towards the exit a person came on the bike called for us and we followed him up to the bike which had fallen at the side of the road .... and a crowd of 6 to 7 people surrounding the wounded biker .........
I saw that he was cleaning his wounds on the hand which was bleeding and his shoulder had swollen up badly it could be seen that the man was in pain ...........
As we all reached the spot about 11 members we were....their was another 2 members posing as reporters and a lady with their ID cards hanging from their neck ....She was busy making calls to don't know whom.She was moving here and there on the road with one hand of her fractured.....
the driver of the press van tells us that she had informed the 108 the emergency service ambulance....A friend said to me that if 108 would come it would become a police case we said that we will take away the wounded to the hospital by an auto it would be quicker and by the looks of the person he was not that badly hurt i mean he obviously didn't need a stretcher to be moved .....But the reporter lady was acting just like a typical reporter trying to make a huge fuss out of nothing at all.....Felt like breaking her other arm also and also realized that she must have broken her arm because of some kind of nuisance that these reporters do and then end up getting beaten ....
My friend Kanth's dad was a doctor so we had him spoken to his dad and informed him about the situation ....all this time 108 hadn't arrived ...we asked the reporter to take the person to the hospital in their van but instead they just said that they had some work and fled from the scene .....Just felt for a moment that it would have been better if instead of the biker the reporter would have been hurt so bad.......
Some more on The reporter ............
the victim was not willing to get in the 108..rather he waited for his brother to come and take him. tat women ,was intending to take make a scene there, intentionally called 108 to send him in that.But the moment his brother arrived ,he was a kind of good i guess, didn't fight for justice but looked for first aid. Then when his brother asked the women for immediate transportation she rejected to take the victim while her driver was though ready too.....see what kind of nature these media *____ have imbibed in u can see what these reporters do ......
As his relatives arrived we sent the victim with Kanth and others followed behind them to kanths hospital....I had to go home for my sisters B day celebration so came home ...
It wasn't a big celebration of sort ,some of her friends came and had dinner stuff and left ...I called up my friends to ask what was the victims condition they said that he had to undergo an operation by tomorrow and we will be requiring about 10,000 for the it.
Yet all is not decided the condition of the person tomorrow will decide whether he undergoes the operation and the remaining will be seen tomorrow ....
So hoping for the best till then ...............
These are some of the mysteries of life....Just in the span of 24 hrs a I get to see extreme happiness and joy in my sister ....And then also utter suffering and pain in the person who had nothing at all for himself to be blamed for his condition.....